related metrics presents an opportunity to trigger policy learning, action, and cooperation to bring cities closer to sustainable development.
The Second S2Biom Dissemination Conference
Sustainable supply and delivery of non - food biomass to support a “resource- efficient” Bioeconomy (S2Biom)
The biobased economy is considered as one of the key elements to achieve a smart and green Europe (EU 2020 Strategy; Bioeconomy Strategy to 2030, etc.). To develop a bioeconomy for energy, fuels and biobased products a number of challenges need to be addressed, e.g. the competing uses of biomass, and securing a reliable and sustainable supply of biomass feedstock. Over the last decade, various policies and economic frameworks have been put in place to tackle some of these challenges. But we also have to consider that various policies on EU, national and regional level exist (e.g. in relation to agriculture, forestry, waste, environment, energy, trade) and are playing a role in the bioeconomy. Some may be contradictory and cause confusion and market barriers, thereby prohibiting the efficient development of the bioeconomy.
The main aim of S2BIOM project is to support the sustainable delivery of non-food biomass feedstock at local, regional and pan-European level through the elaboration of strategies, roadmaps and a web-based planning toolset basing on updated harmonized data referring to EU28, Western Balkans, Turkey and Ukraine (for more information, please visit www.s2biom.eu)
S2BIOM has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration (FP7). The project started in September 2013 and will be implemented until November 2016. The Consortium gathers 31 partners from 16 countries.
The main activities of S2BIOM are:
In order to achieve these goals, S2BIOM is building upon relevant information from recent and ongoing EU projects, and through direct collaboration with key stakeholders from policy, industry and markets. Also, a set of validation case studies are being carried out.
The project is building up a concise knowledge base both for the sustainable supply and logistics of non-food biomass for the development of technology and market strategies to support the development of a “resource efficient” Bioeconomy for Europe. This includes industrial processes for manufacturing biomass-derived goods/products as well as energy conversion, both for large scale and small scale units.
The Second S2BIOM Dissemination Conference aims to keep stakeholders and the scientific community up-dated on progress and results of S2BIOM project as well as to collect feedback from a broad qualified audience. The Conference has been tailored as a half-day side event within the 2nd SEE SDEWES Conference in order to reach out to a large audience of experts and practitioners form South-East European Countries.
During the first session, the project partners will provide detailed insight into the structure and functionalities of the computerized planning and optimization toolset that has been developed by S2BIOM. Participants will have the possibility to interact with key experts to fully appreciate the characteristics of the Viewing Tool (GIS-based mapping), of the Matching Tool (conversion pathways), of the LocaGIStics Tool (logistics and chain design) and of the BeWhere Tool (optimization).
In order to contribute to the implementation of extensive Bioeconomy potentials in Central, East and South East Europe, the second session of the event has been tailored so to provide extensive overview of the strategic case studies that, in the framework of S2BIOM, have been implemented in SEE. In particular, experts form Slovenia, Croatia, Romania and Greece, will illustrate the specific activities that have been carried out at local level. Besides quantitative overviews, particular attention will be devoted to methodological aspects, including the utilization of the S2BIOM Toolset in combination with existing models. An overview of the policy database elaborated by the project and its implications for SEE will be also provided.
In the third session, participants will have the opportunity to test the S2BIOM Toolset and interact with the project experts.
We kindly invite participants to the 2nd SEE SDEWES conference to join the S2BIOM side event.
Second S2Biom dissemination Conference programme.
S2Biom project information and dissemination material leaflet and brochure.