Conference abstracts submission deadline has been extended until April 15th, 2016.
"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
The Report of the U.N. Brundtland Commission, Our Common Future, 1987
"If there are to be problems, may they come during my life-time so that I can resolve them and give my children the chance of a good life."
Kenyan proverb
"History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives"
Opening session (ROOM A) Chair: Prof. Aleksander Zidanšek
--- Welcome addresses ---
Prof. Milena Horvat, Dean, Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School
Prof. Zvonimir Guzović, Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. Zdravko Kravanja, Dean, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor
Mr. Gašper Hrastelj, Deputy Secretary General, Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO
Prof. Sandro Nižetić, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning, Croatia
--- Introductory statements ---
Prof. Neven Duić, President of the International Centre for International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems Sustainable development, where we are and where we are heading to?
Prof. Aleksander Zidanšek, Chairman of the Local Organising Committee Releasing creative potentials of knowledge and education
--- Round table: Education, research and entrepreneurship for sustainable development ---
Prof. Milena Horvat, Dean, Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School
Prof. Zvonimir Guzović, Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. Zdravko Kravanja, Dean, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor
Energy Journal - handling editors meeting (invitation only) (ROOM F) Chair: Prof. Henrik Lund
1500 - 1530
Closing session (ROOM A) Chair: Prof. Aleksander Zidanšek
Benchmarking the performance of cities across energy, water and environment systems related metrics presents an opportunity to trigger policy learning, action, and cooperation to bring cities closer to sustainable development.